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Ari Wikipedia

Fizik iya nya sains semula jadi utai, ti ngaul pengawa mansik utai, konstituen fundamental iya, gerak enggau ulah iya nengah ruang enggau maya, sereta entiti ti bekaul enggau tenaga enggau daya.[1] Fizik nya siti ari disiplin saintifik ti pemadu beguna.[2][3][4] Siku saintis ti pakar dalam bidang fizik dikumbai pakar fizik.


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  1. Maxwell 1878, p. 9 "Physical science is that department of knowledge which relates to the order of nature, or, in other words, to the regular succession of events."
  2. Young & Freedman 2014, p. 1 "Physics is one of the most fundamental of the sciences. Scientists of all disciplines use the ideas of physics, including chemists who study the structure of molecules, paleontologists who try to reconstruct how dinosaurs walked, and climatologists who study how human activities affect the atmosphere and oceans. Physics is also the foundation of all engineering and technology. No engineer could design a flat-screen TV, an interplanetary spacecraft, or even a better mousetrap without first understanding the basic laws of physics. (...) You will come to see physics as a towering achievement of the human intellect in its quest to understand our world and ourselves."
  3. Young & Freedman 2014, p. 2 "Physics is an experimental science. Physicists observe the phenomena of nature and try to find patterns that relate these phenomena."
  4. Holzner 2006, p. 7 "Physics is the study of your world and the world and universe around you."